Welcome to my watercolor page
Watercolor painting is one of the hardest types of painting to learn. It takes time and practice. We learn by watching, thinking and doing. Over time, it does get easier. The most important part is to relax, put water and paint on paper and let it make some magic. As the paint dries, it gets lighter, absorbed into the paper and does a bit of magic. The wet version can be very different than the dried version and most often much better. If it still looks 'wrong', it can be worked on more - if not that day, someday when you are ready. If all else fails paint on the backside or use it as a warm up exercise prior to working on something you care more about.
I paint because I enjoy it and 'teach' to share what I love.
Most of my classes (especially at the RV park) are beginner level, enough to get your brush wet with paint, put it on paper, play and see what happens. AND hopefully have a little fun!
When you are ready - there is so much more to learn! A lot more than can be said and done in a few short hours in one or two sessions. I've put together many slides to share information, but really - being able to just play is so much more fun!
Why do I do it this way???
Reading, talking about slides and looking at pictures can get boring, really fast...
As a HS math teacher, my favorite job was tutoring (recent HS graduates and adults) at a technical college. Although they wanted me to, I would NOT do their homework for them. As they worked thorough their problems, I asked them questions, step by step to find out what they knew and what they were actually having problems with. I was more of a guide helping them to find the answer, than a teacher. Most often the problems they had doing algebra was really based on issues with fractions. Things they forgot, never quite understood and just needed a little guidance.
When you are ready and if you are serious about your artwork, I can help more. AND there is an infinite amount of information online and videos on YouTube. Search and you shall find.
Starting in January of 2024, I will be charging for classes, generally ONLY $10.00 for Tuesdays. Why NOT FREE, like before??? Well using the best paper you can, good paints and brushes makes a BIG difference in your results. I have already bought lots of supplies and plan to add better palettes of much better paint for use in class. It is easier to explain things when we all have access to the same paper and colors. Having additional supplies to try new techniques is fun too. Planning projects and classes takes time. Unfortunately it all costs money. I'm not independently wealthy, nor do I have a budget for 'volunteer work'.
Over the years I have taken lots of Art Classes, oil acrylic, watercolor etc...from several well known artists and craft stores in Missouri. These classes costs hundreds of dollars and often lasted 3-5 days.
I'm certified to teach One Stroke Painting - remember Donna Dewberry? I've watched hundreds of YouTube videos and taken thousands of potential reference pictures. How many pictures of clouds do I need???? Have you ever been somewhere beautiful and thought about what colors and how you would paint it?
Sorry - these pages are a work in progress - more later - time to paint!